Hey there mama, it’s Rhiannon.
I have to say, formal bios always seem kind of stiff and awkward to me, so when I went to write this page to you- to tell you a bit about myself- I was a little (okay, a lot) stumped on how to do it.
Because mostly I just want to connect with you, you know? We are all walking an amazing spirit-in-a-human-body journey, and what’s really important is how we walk it- not the pinnacles we “achieve” on the way.
So I wasn’t really interested in talking with you about the degrees and trainings and certifications- or the heights of spiritual revelation- though all of that has certainly been enormously beneficial (as well as had it’s learning lessons).
Rather, I wanted to tell you about the nights pacing the upstairs hallway with my screaming infant, the glee on my six-month old’s face the first time he got a fistful of dirt (priceless), the time my youngest projectile vomited in my face while traveling in a shuttle bus from one flight to another (yes, strapped to my chest in the ergo carrier), the first time I heard my boys have an independent conversation in the backseat of the car (tears, still), and the joy surge I would feel at seeing those two tiny boys rush their father as he arrived home from work…
Because the point here- with life, with our own spiritual path and sacred life purpose, with Wildcrafted Mothering and all the offerings available here, with walking motherhood as a sacred path of awakening, with reweaving the possibility of thriving family culture and living in harmony with All Our Relations- is that this journey is REAL and organic, grounded and evolving, messy and gorgeous, never finished, constantly changing, ever-expanding, full of the unexpected and always calling us into that next level of Who We Truly Are.
The journey is the point- the journey IS the joy, the source of wisdom, the “accomplishment”. Life is the teacher, if we are a willing student. And we are meant to thrive as we walk this mystery path- not just suffer to survive.
So when I tell you about myself, I want to speak from this context: that it is the whole journey I have walked- not just formal education or “professional experience”- that is the true source of the richness I have to offer you.
I am a guide and a way-shower; a bridge between worlds; a healer, a priestess, a friend, a witness.
For more than twenty-five years I have held sacred space to support others on their journeys of inner transformation, healing, and spiritual evolution. While I have taken many formal training programs, and became certified in various modalities including massage therapy, polarity therapy, and several other systems of energy work (and feel deep gratitude to the many gifted human teachers I have been blessed to learn from), my most valuable and influential professional training has been direct from Spirit, through my guides in the unseen realms.
All of the primary work that I now offer- Sacred Sound Awakening, Living Ceremony, SoulSongs, etc.- was received directly from Spirit.
Intimately intertwined in this evolution of my work in the unseen realms is my journey as a mother. I could write a book (and maybe someday I will) about the epic, transformational impact pregnancy, homebirthing, mothering, homeschooling, holding space for other mothers (during pregnancy, at births, in ceremonies, homebirth meetings, private sessions, and in gorgeous friendships) and consciously cultivating thriving family culture has had on my life, my consciousness, my spiritual awareness, my capacity and groundedness as an embodied human, my creative expression as a musician, my marriage, my own personal healing, my path of service.
Mothering has been- and still is- a Sacred Path of Awakening. It has been, and continues to be, a journey of true transformation, anchoring me more deeply into my sovereignty, my inner authority, my Voice and true self-expression- in a way that nothing else could.
Mothering is so real: so gritty, so messy, so physically demanding, so all encompassing, that (if you have an intention to be conscious and intentional in your parenting) there is no chance to escape into avoidance. You are forced to meet your demons and the monsters under the bed, the shit that has been holding you back for years and the fears that have been unconsciously running your life. That’s the good and the bad news. Because when the shit hits the fan, it IS hard. But the magic and the miracle and the majesty is that NONE of that shit is YOU- and when you face it, you can transform it, move beyond it, and on the other side become stronger, clearer, wiser, more present and grounded and loving and capable than ever before.
Motherhood is a Sacred Path of Awakening. It calls you into the best version of yourself, if you will answer the call. And when you do, everyone in your life benefits: especially YOU.
The other thing I want to say is this: Motherhood is not a path of martyrdom, losing yourself, suffering, bondage, isolation, or stagnation.
It’s also not about constantly “working on yourself” in some endless cycle of psycho-spiritual perfectionism - it’s about being IN yourself.
It is about the cultivation of rich self-awareness, not hyper-vigilance or self-recrimination.
Motherhood has the potential to be a profound catalyst to deepen your own connection with yourself, your communion with Spirit, your creative expression, your heart’s desire.
Rather than something that disconnects, distracts or diverts you from yourself and everything you desire, motherhood is, can be, and SHOULD be an intimate part and essential ingredient in your spiritual journey, your soul’s evolution, the fulfillment of your life purpose, the thriving of your experience of this life.
What I have to offer you as a guide has as much to do with my journey of mothering and the way that experience has deepened and strengthened me, as it does with my professional experience and gifts as an intuitive- and the reason for this is because the two are not separate.
They evolved together, and the gifts of motherhood have opened me to profound transformation that allowed me to step fully into my calling as a guide-space holder-teacher.
Motherhood is not “babysitting”: it is not a job, a task, or a vocation. It is not something to “survive” or “get through”.
It is a way of life, a being, a devotional path. It doesn’t end when the kids are grown.