Support, Empowerment and Multidimensional Guidance

for those walking the fiery journey of personal transformation and major life change in and through pregnancy, birth and motherhood.

If you are ready to embrace the change, the challenge, and the unknown

As a sacred doorway

Into a whole new level of freedom and joy in your life…

SOUL ALCHEMY is for you.


 Pregnancy, birthing, becoming a mother… these are changes and transformations of epic proportions.

  Even when all goes “perfectly” (whatever that means), it is a massive upheaval and a revolutionary shifting of the tectonic plates of your life. At these times of profound change, so much is brought up, called into question and destabilized: it can be unsettling, for sure- and it can rock your world.

And it doesn’t stop there. 

Motherhood- and life- has it’s crossroads, it’s natural and organic rites-of-passage that continue beyond birth and new motherhood: and these thresholds of change call us relentlessly into the next level of our own evolution. 

Motherhood calls us relentlessly into the next level of our own evolution. 

Motherhood is a Sacred Path of Awakening. 

When you engage with your journey of motherhood deeply, consciously, intentionally, it will slowly and gently- and suddenly and intensively- initiate opportunities for your own souls’ growth. It will call you ever into greater alignment, integrity, authenticity, power, presence and capacity.

This is the gift of awakening- a gift that mothering is ever offering to you, like a pearl in the oyster.  It’s value is beyond words. 

But anyone who tells you it is an easy path hasn’t spent much time walking it. 


 The Soul Alchemy Immersion

is designed to support that mother who is right now walking a profound journey of intense (inner or outer) change.

It is a focused intensive that provides a strong energetic container to deeply, authentically, and powerfully engage with the process of transformation ignited by these life changes. The Soul Alchemy Immersion is for that woman who is ready to embrace this change as a gift, as a doorway to incredible growth, awakening and transformation.  

The Soul Alchemy Immersion is for the mother walking the path of awakening, who longs for a strong, safe, sacred space to be held for her while she surrenders to the deep process of transformation moving through her. 

It is for the woman who desires to be witnessed, honored, celebrated and supported as she walks that journey, and discovers the gold that is waiting there for her.  

 The Soul Alchemy Immersion is a six week, one-on-one journey in a sacred container. 

This program includes three private Soul Alchemy Immersion Half Day Retreats (3 hrs) holding sacred space for your journey of awakening and transformation. A 90-minute Honoring & Integration Ceremony is held at the completion of the six weeks to honor your transformation, deepen and anchor your integration, and align you with you next steps moving forward. Sessions are held in person or by zoom.


Each Soul Alchemy Immersion intensive is an intuitively guided, alchemical journey orchestrated by your guides and higher levels.

Each experience is highly unique and calibrated to your highest frequency and the new codes and frequencies coming in to support your next level of expansion and soul activation.


Sessions Can Include:

Ceremonial Sacred Space invited through invocation, prayer, sound, etc. to create a strong, safe space to support and nourish you.

Sacred Sound Awakening with voice, celtic harp, singing bowls, drum, rattle. The Sacred Sound Awakening creates a profound field of resonance that unravels resistance, establishes coherence in the body-mind energetic matrix, recalibrates the nervous system, and activates the next level of your soul radiance and aligned expression.

Akashic Realm Activation Journey into the Akash to receive guidance, information, healing, upgrades, codes and activations from those guides, angels, masters and divine ones who are waiting to support you as you walk this path of awakening.

SoulSongs received just for you to support the energetics of your transformation.

Transmissions & Sacred Mirroring to support the integration and embodiment of the new, higher frequencies you are anchoring. New levels of self-awareness, discernment, inner knowing, and clarity arise spontaneously out of this profound alchemy of Presence.

  The Soul Alchemy six-week private container also includes:

  • Recordings of your private SoulSongs, Sacred Sound Awakening, Akashic Realm Activations, guided journeys, invocations, and other transmissions to keep for your private use forever.

  • Private email sacred container between sessions.

  • Prayer and container work in the unseen realms to support your journey.

  • Miracles and blessings from Earth, Heaven and your team in the unseen realms. :)



~ Or 3 Monthly Payments of $495 ~

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