Video Transmissions

Slow It Down

Medicine Song ~ 02/02/23

Slow it down… this was the message I needed yesterday, and it came to me in the form of this medicine song.

I’ve become so aware of the conditioning to driven-ness in myself, in our culture at large… this compulsion to produce, accomplish, do more, be better to alleviate the pressure caused by survival level fears and the equation of self-worth with production. It’s a cycle that has us run ever faster, become ever busier, to escape the monster of anxiety writhing within us.

This is a monster that cannot be outrun. It cannot be outrun because it is the running itself that creates the monster. There is another way.

Slow it down…

We must do the scary thing, the thing our nervous system feels is terribly unsafe, the thing our conditioning condemns as irresponsible, the thing our mind says is not-good-enough:

slow. it. down.

It is our Mother Earth who shows us the the way.

Listen deep
The trees are speaking
Listen deep
The stones are speaking
Listen deep
Winds are speaking

Breathe in peace
Breathe out peace

Slow it down
to the speed of love.