The Peace and Empowerment Practicum

Energy Alignment Techniques for Vibrant Living

 Learn foundational energetic and self-awareness techniques to manage stress, balance emotions, regulate the nervous system, and clear and align your energy field.


Let’s be real: motherhood is pretty intense.

I remember thinking in those early days with my first son (who had zero interest in sleeping) that the idea of “parenthood is a 24hr job” was a joke. “24 hrs” made it sound like after that twenty-fourth hour, there would be some sort of break. Ha ha ha. The clock just resets and the demands of motherhood continue to greet you, morning, noon and night.

Even after the intensity of infancy, life as a parent is full on. It demands of us both physical stamina and emotional presence; it calls on all our resources of body, mind, heart and spirit. And it’s pretty easy to get overwhelmed. Add in a side dish of spiritual awakening (or an extra helping of childhood trauma coming up for healing)- and life can feel downright unmanageable.

Dealing with ongoing fatigue, worrying about whether you are making the right decision, fearing you aren’t doing a good enough job, overwhelm, anxiety, emotional funks. . . it’s so common. We all experience it- and sometimes a lot more than we would like. And when we are out of sorts and out of balance in these ways, it’s really hard to be the kind of mother we want to be. It’s hard to have clear emotional presence with our children when we are dealing with waves of our own unmet worry, fear, etc. It’s hard to trust our instincts and connect with our inner knowing when we are being dogged by self-doubt. It’s near impossible to be feel light and playful with our kids, actually able to enjoy life, when everything is showing up as heavy, serious, and overwhelming.

The good news is, we can do something about it.

The even better news? It’s super enjoyable. For reals.



Most of us were never taught how to center ourselves, balance our emotions or reset our nervous system. Most of us grew up in situations or institutions that demanded we ignore our instincts, disregard our inner knowing, and give our power away to authorities to tell us the “right” way to do things. We developed all kinds of coping mechanisms (some more useful than others), to handle the stress and intensity of life.

Thus, not only were we never given the skills to work with our own mind, emotions and energy, but we were trained out of our very wise, natural instincts to trust our own intuition that we were born with. (And to be fair, most of the adults around us didn’t have these skills either- so how could they teach them to us?) The result is that a lot of us arrive in adulthood with few skills to create grounding, alignment, clarity, and balance in our lives. The tattered map to our own inner landscape has ASK THE EXPERTS written across it in black sharpie, and the compass appears completely broken. It can feel pretty scary.

Fortunately, these inner skills of working with our mind, emotions and energy are actually easy to learn! The techniques are all simple, and enjoyable to use in your life. They take practice for sure- you have to use them for it to “work”- but they aren’t rocket science.

Even better news: there is no chance that your compass is broken. Not even a little bit. Coming home to yourself and connecting with your inner knowing is as natural as breathing, and it is your birthright.


There is so much we can do to manage our own energy and create more ease, balance and clarity in our lives! That’s exactly what this class is for.

Learning to regulate our own nervous system and manage our own energy is a skill set that we can learn.  Just like we can learn to ride a bike, we can learn how to relax, to center ourselves, to balance our emotions, and to connect with our inner knowing.

Cultivating these skills allows us to be more effective in our daily work, more loving in our relationships, more clear in our communication, and experience greater health and vitality in our body.  

 This class is an introduction to learning some basic energy alignment and self-awareness techniques, so that you can start to cultivate these skills of energy management for yourself. 

It is an opportunity to reconnect more deeply with yourself, learn how to cultivate grounding and centeredness, and release tension and resistance- so that you can develop your own inner skills for peace and empowerment in daily life, including:

Emotional balance (navigating intense emotions- like worry, fear, anger, guilt, and overwhelm- with grace) 

The capacity to physically, emotionally and mentally relax,

Feeling strong and clear in yourself (not taking on the opinions and beliefs of others, and being able to stand in your personal conviction even if different from others), 

Expressing yourself with more confidence, 

Making decisions with greater clarity, 

Utilizing the power of your mind intentionally (rather than having it run wild and “should” all over your life)

Resetting your nervous system from the sympathetic (stress) mode to the parasympathetic (relaxation/healing) mode

Tapping in to your intuitive knowing 

Experiencing more ease and (dare I say it) joy in your daily life,  

Opening to your own Presence: the inner peace and love that lives within you, as you.


 I have found that one of the most extraordinary benefits of being in the practice of managing my own energy is access to simple delight in being alive

When we can experience more of our daily living as joyful rather than stressful, interesting rather than overwhelming, and fulfilling rather than threatening, the quality of our lives are utterly transformed and vastly improved.  It’s not that challenges, crises or discomforts don’t ever happen- but the grace with which we handle them makes it so much easier to navigate, so much quicker to rebalance, and indeed, allows those life challenges to become catalysts for profound growth and positive change.

This class will include energy awareness exercises, visualizations, breath work, guided meditations, etc.  Each week will introduce a new practice and a new foundational concept, and will be experiential in nature.  That is to say, there will be some “lecture” but most of the class will be an exploration of the practices and sharing about your experiences of engaging with the practice.  There will always be time for questions.  Participants will go home with “homeplay” to continue to work with the practices to develop their skillfulness and to experiment with how these practices may support them in their day to day living.  

This is an introductory class- you do not need to have any prior experience with these types of inner skills to take this class and get a lot out of it. But, because these skills are so foundational, even mothers with a background in meditation, energy work or relaxation techniques may find the class provides a portal to go even deeper. Mastery is not so much about more and fancier techniques, but the skillfulness with which we use them in our lives.

More than anything, this class is practical: it is intended to expand awareness and introduce new skills (or deepen the energy awareness skills you have already cultivated) that will make a practical improvement in your experience of navigating the ups and downs and twists and turns of your daily life journey.  

Thus, it is essential that participants have a willingness and desire to explore these practices and USE them during the course to discover in what ways they are helpful- AND so that they can develop their skillfulness in their work with their own energetic field, mind, emotions and nervous system.  The practices are all very simple- but the more you practice, the deeper it goes, and the more you benefit.  Each class will build on the next, so it is important to be practicing the exercises between classes so that you are building a solid foundation.  This is far less an intellectual education than it is an intuitive, sensory, experiential education.  You must engage with the practices to get anything from them- theory won’t get you very far.  

A note on spirituality and religion: This class does not teach from any particular spiritual/religious belief or tradition; it is really a mechanics class, teaching fundamental practices in the management of energy, breath, thought, sensation, etc., for the purpose of creating balance, alignment and harmony in body/mind/heart/spirit.

However, this class leans heavily on my own personal experience of working with my own energy field and with hundreds of clients over the last 25+ years of energy healing and mentorship, and so these practices are of course deeply influenced by my personal beliefs, energetic experiences, and ever-evolving spirituality. Thus, I will be sharing from my own perspective and beliefs, in the frameworks that have made the most sense to me. There is absolutely no prerequisite of any type of spiritual or religious belief on the part of any participant.

These practices are, in my opinion, suitable and adaptable to any spiritual or religious framework (or lack thereof), and do not assert any particular belief system upon the user. That being said, I am a deeply spiritual person, and my belief in Divine Presence and the sacredness of Life is sure to be a strong presence in our time together.


The Peace and Empowerment Practicum:

Energy Alignment Techniques for Vibrant Living


Class Structure:  Eight 2-hour classes, held twice monthly over zoom.

Dates: TBA

Course Curriculum Details:

Class 1: Presence 

Learn a simple but profound self-awareness practice to balance emotions and reset your nervous system.  Foundational reframe: recognizing life’s challenges as opportunities for personal growth and soul evolution.

Class 2: Grounding

Learn a basic energetic technique for grounding your energy.  Explore various other ways to create grounding that are easy to access in daily life. 

Grounding is the foundation of all energetic alignment practices.  

Class 3: Integrity

Anchor in Sun (Cosmic, Heaven) and Earth alignments. Clear foreign energy and recall your own authentic energy to create integrity in your energetic field. 

Class 4: The Story and The Question

Crash course on the monkey mind.  Learn a powerful technique for reigning in an unruly mind and using it’s power for good!

Class 5: Light Body

Introduction to chakra and aura alignments.  Brief overview of energetic anatomy and mechanics, with an emphasis on clearing and aligning chakras, and auric field awareness.

Class 6: Breath

Completely reset your nervous system in this powerful breathwork practice, ujaii pranayama.  

Class 7: Heart

“Thank you for my life.”  Explore and expand the energy of your heart space.  Experience a flowering of your own love and gratitude within.  So much of life’s stress and worry evaporates when in the presence of this love that lives within our heart.

“The heart is the hub of all sacred places.  Go there and roam.”  - Bhagawan Nityananda

Class 8: Intention and Integration

Exploration of the power of intention, and the beneficial use of imagination, visualization and other tools for focusing.  Integration, next steps, and discussion around how to practically utilize the techniques we’ve learned as a daily practice and/or as tools to help us during acute challenges.

Class Investment:  $333