Celebrating Our Life Transitions ~ Honoring Our Sacred Rites of Passage

 Blessingway  -  Baby Blessing  -  Coming of Age  -  Marriage & Renewal


 Living Ceremony is the transformational process of creating original ceremony to celebrate our most important life transitions and rites of passage, like marriage, pregnancy, or the birth of a new baby.  

Living Ceremony is an ancient practice belonging to all peoples.  It provides a profound opportunity to honor, celebrate, and activate who you are becoming as you walk through this rite of passage in your life. Far from a formality, living ceremony is a vibrational catalyst: it is a vehicle for transformation and a powerful support on the journey of inner awakening and joyful living.  

Living Ceremony gives us a powerful way to engage with the life transitions and rites of passage in our lives from a place of greater self-awareness, clarity, and intention that allows us to step “over the threshold”- into that next phase of our life- deeply empowered and aligned with our truth.  


 Living Ceremony is Energy Medicine…

That you get to share with your friends.

 I’m so excited for you to get to experience this!  Really!  I wish I had you in the room with me right now so we could start talking over all of the possibilities that this ceremony holds for you. 

I deeply desire for every person to get to experience a true, living ceremony in honor of themselves at least once in their life- I think everyone deserves to be loved, honored and SEEN in this powerful way.  And to access the level of inner clarity that true ceremony provides!  In fact, I’d even go so far as to say I think that all of us need it.  It is one of the most nourishing, inspiring, touching, empowering, heart-opening, clarifying (I could go on) experiences EVER!  Ok, enough gushing. 

Here are the juicy details:

Living ceremony is transformational.  It is not a script, a formality, or a performance.  It is a living, breathing alchemical act of vibrational transformation.  Through words and actions that arise as an authentic expression of your deepest truth, you activate and align with the energetic blueprint of who you choose to be as you step forward into this next phase of your life.

But living ceremony is more than just discovering and declaring your truth- it is also being been SEEN in your truth.  It is the opportunity to be celebrated, supported, honored, and empowered in your truth by the people you love the most.  Ceremony is done in community.  This is where we get to bring our transformational journey from the inner realms to our outer life and relationships.  It is in the alchemy of this sacred witnessing that we are activated in our true vision of who we intend to be- not only by our own conviction, but by the recognition and support of our community.

And, I’m happy to report that the journey of creating your living ceremony is super fun!   

It is also profound, deep, mysterious, clarifying, healing and magical.  In person or by zoom, we hold sacred space for you to meet yourself and discover the truth that wants to be expressed in your living ceremony.

 Living Ceremony Opens a Doorway to:

 Sacred Witnessing ~ Deep Honoring ~ True Community

Clear Vision ~ Embodied Alignment ~ Authentic Empowerment

The journey has three parts:


How do you find the authentic words to express your truth?  You have to find your truth.  Your CURRENT truth.  Your alive and vibrant and thriving truth.  A truth that you have always been- yet in some way has evolved, refined and expanded because of all the life you have lived and the rite of passage you are walking through now.  And it isn’t as hard as it sounds- in fact, it’s right here, inside you, waiting to be discovered!  

The discovery of the truth of who you are now- and who you intend to be as you walk through this rite of passage into the next phase of your life- is one of the most powerful gifts of living ceremony.  When you engage with these powerful life transitions with deep consciousness, you are able access a whole new level of your own inner truth- and allow that truth to guide you with even greater clarity in this next chapter of your life.  

To create a living ceremony that is an authentic expression of your true intentions and deepest values, you have to go on a journey of self-discovery.  Through a process of guided reflection, you have an opportunity to discover who you have been (the beautiful and the challenging) and who it is you want to be as you walk into this next phase in your life.  This process is clarifying, healing, and strengthening, providing a sacred space to be with yourself deeply, and to discover who you are now more clearly and deeply than ever before. 


Out of this clarity, and the truth you discover, naturally arises the unique language and authentic expression that becomes your living ceremony.  

One of my gifts as an intuitive is to read your energy as we are talking, and to recognize the themes and language that “light up” with power and alignment for you.  Through a process of refinement we bring this authentic, personal language to light; it is almost as if the ceremony is “uncovered” from within the depths of your soul.  Between meetings I begin to sketch out the details of the ceremony as they are emerging, giving you the opportunity to edit and refine until your living ceremony emerges, complete and powerfully expressing your intentions in a way that is authentic, personal, and in alignment with your truth.


The best part!  This is the actual doing of the ceremony.  Rather than a performance, this is the opportunity to truly step into the energy of your intentions, the sweetness of your honorings, the joy of your celebration, and the nourishment of your community support.  It is a deeply moving, joyful, and empowering experience.

This is when the alchemical process of your own rite of passage, your journey of ceremony creation, the speaking of your authentic truth, and the sacred witnessing of your community all come together: the energy of your truth is activated, and you step into the new frequency blueprint of who you truly are- now.  

It is powerful, powerful, powerful!

In our work together, the activation of your living ceremony may be done with me if you live nearby, or you may choose to have members of your community hold sacred space for your ceremony.  I will help you plan all the practical details that will help your living ceremony to be a powerful, beautiful, and sacred event.

Choose Your Living Ceremony Experience…