Our Kids Don’t Need Us to Be Perfect

Our kids do not need us to be perfect.

They need us to be PRESENT.

Our kids do not need us to have it all figured out.

They need us to SHOW UP.

Our kids don’t want us to sacrifice ourselves for them.

They want us to THRIVE.

Motherhood is a wild path of Awakening. It is a Priestess path; it is perfectly designed to catalyze our evolution in every way.

It is designed this way so that we can bring the biggest possible devotion and service to the new souls coming Earthside. It is designed this way so we can be the best possible parents for our children.

But it is not a path that requires perfection. Devotion and Presence. Tending your own Sacred Well. Showing Up. This is what is needed. This is what our children need. It is what WE need. Our evolution and our parenting are one path.

We don’t need to have healed everything, cleared all our ancestral trauma and fully ascended before becoming a mother. We don’t need to wait until our kids are grown to embrace the full magnitude of our evolution.

The time is Now.

All we need to do is Show Up.




Birthing Wildcrafted Mothering