Prayer Is Louder Than Words

Prayer Is Louder Than Words

In world filled with blogs and podcasts, ads and newscasts, it’s easy to think that communication happens through words.

But the most powerful communication- the kind that opens your heart, transforms your awareness, and revolutionizes your reality- happens through the frequency of love that we call prayer.

Prayer is generative. It creates love out of “nothing”- that is, out of pure intention. It is true alchemy.

This frequency of love bypasses the conditioned mind, the limitations of language, the words and stories we tell ourselves in reaction to past wounds…

and it is received directly by the Heart.

The frequency of love that is prayer is received and understood by a part of us that is deeper than language- and thus the awareness that awakens in us is beyond words.

Prayer is for all of us.

It does not belong to religion or to the pious. Prayer is the natural language of love shared between all Life.

It’s Voice resounds throughout Creation, and resonates in the chamber of our Heart,

louder than any words could ever be.

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For many of us who have grown up outside of religion, prayer seems like a foreign concept.  Quaint, perhaps, or old-fashioned, or perhaps just irrelevant to normal life.  For those who were raised religious, prayer sometimes appears formulaic, forced, or full of rules; something that you do to be good or so you can be forgiven for being bad.  It often has a transactional flavor: if I pray nice for you, God, you will do something nice for me.  I will suffer a dozen Hail Mary’s to atone for this sin I committed.

This is not the kind of prayer I am speaking about.

Of course- disclaimer here- I am not saying there is not true prayer happening in religions, churches, and through traditional religious prayer practices.  Far from it: prayer is as natural as breathing, and it finds many ways to express itself- especially in environments, such as you may find in a church, synagogue or other place of worship, that encourage us to wish the best for others and our world, and to offer gratitude for this beautiful life.

Prayer is a language of the Heart.  It is a feeling, an intention, far more than it is words or concepts.  Prayer is the wish for the well-being of someone or something, a blessing, a vision of goodness, joy, ease, healing, happiness and solutions.  Prayer is offered for ourselves and for others, offered for people and for places, offered out of love and care and appreciation and desire for thriving.  It can be done silently or aloud; if can be offered through words, through images, through feelings.  There is no formula; there is no “right” way to pray.  Prayer is an offering of love and an intending of goodness, to someone or something (including yourself!).  It’s that simple.

Simple, yes- and yet so profound.  Two things in particular I want to point out about the power of prayer, because I think they are both often overlooked or misunderstood.  First, this love and intention we offer- it’s not just “a nice thought” that has no reality.  Oh, no no.  30 years working as an energy healer has taught me this: our love and intentions are a very real frequency of energy that facilitates harmony, wellbeing, alignment and coherence- for others and within ourselves.  When we sustain the focused feeling of love with intention to benefit or uplift another, this vibration of love creates a harmonic field of resonance that benefits the other (and ourselves, too!). 

Here’s the other amazing thing about prayer: it is generative.  Meaning, as I said above, that prayer generates love out of “nothing”- that is, out of our intention.  Through prayer we create, we generate, more love- not only for others, but also within ourselves.  

Often in our society we are taught to think about things transactionally: I’ll scratch your back if you’ll scratch mine.  We think, if I give to you (pour the tea from my cup into yours), then my cup will be empty.  Prayer is different.  When we “give” prayer- intend love and wellbeing for someone- we generate love.  Not only does this bless the other with the energy of that love, when we are finished with our praying, we feel more love within ourselves.  

Prayer is a practice of creating love within ourselves.  The practice of prayer cultivates a sensation of lovingness, care, gratitude and joy within ourselves.  I have discovered that prayer is a powerful and reliable way to shift my energy, mood or mental state.  If I am frustrated, exhausted, worried or overwhelmed, prayer creates a powerful change in my emotional state and my outlook.  It’s not so much that I’ve ‘put a positive spin on it’, because the power of prayer is not in the words.  Rather, my energetic state- and thus my personal reality- has actually changed: Instead of feeling frustrated (exhausted, worried, overwhelmed, etc.), I am now feeling loving toward myself and the world.  Because of this new inner state, my life and the world around me just shows up differently.  I am lighter, more hopeful, more optimistic, more at peace and grounded.  All because of just a few minutes of feeling love and intending joy.  

Here’s a fine point, though: Prayer isn’t another “fix-it”.  I’m not feeling great after prayer because I’m congratulating myself for being a good spiritual person, or because I’ve successfully bartered with God for favors.  I’m feeling great after prayer because of the praying itself.  The praying IS the magic.  You know you are doing it “right” when you are feeling love (or gratitude, or joy, or caring, or whatever flavor of love you are feeling).  Prayer doesn’t just give love- it generates love.  When you pour that cup of love out to the world, to your family, to your friends, to yourself, the cup just keeps refilling.  And the more you generate love, the easier and easier it is to generate, and the stronger and stronger your love becomes.

YOU are the prayer.

So much louder than words.

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And thus, prayer is infinitely practical.  It is a practice that we can bring into our daily lives, into our rhythms and routines.  It is a practice that generates wellbeing within us, and as such, it is a tremendous support in our day to day lives.  You could say it is like the proverbial “wind beneath our wings”.  It is a simple and easy way to create a positive change in our mental and emotional state.  It centers our focus on the good, on our love for others, on our vision for what is possible.  

I believe that prayer is a powerful resource for all people- and my beloved mothers, especially for you.  Mothering is such an intensive job, requiring so much patience, presence, constant attention, emotional balance, sensitivity- and sheer, physical effort.  To show up for our children in loving kindness and presence, to bring true consciousness and clear intention to our parenting, takes a lot.  This is why I know that Motherhood is a Sacred Path of Awakening.  We really have to call on the best of ourselves (and heal/release the conditioned and wounded parts!) to be able to show up fully- and as a result, we heal, transform, awaken, and step into the fullness and power of Who We Truly Are.  Prayer is powerful, beautiful, joyful tool to support us (and others!) on that journey.

If you’d like to explore the experience of prayer more, please join us for the Mother’s Council!  This free monthly gathering is a sacred circle for mothers to join together in prayer, celebration, and speaking our Truth.  Click the button below to find out more!


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